Wednesday, February 6, 2008


My friends, by now you've heard the news reports that I have chosen a running mate. While the options were many - I thank Alan Keys, Rick Santorum, Fred Thompson, and Tom Cruise for their interest - I have chosen the best candidate for the job. A man who came very close to reaching the White House himself, falling short by just a few votes. In point of fact, he fell short by all the votes, but that's only because you, America, lack vision.

Meet Lee L. Mercer, Jr.

You will immediately notice two things about Mr. Mercer - we share the same rugged good looks, and our party platforms are nearly identical. A brief survey of his website illustrates how closely we are aligned in spirit and in deed. For example, Mr. Mercer says, right out in the open, for all to see:

"There is concern about the U.S. Government Economy and the US Public’s Economy enforcements. I will enforce the U.S. Government’s Economy and the US Public’s Economy regulating its enforcements itself with its regulations pretaining to itself and according to it’s enforcements to maintain 100% effectiveness with my tools."

Folks, that's the kind of vision this country needs. You don't hear Obama making statements like that. It's that kind of bold leadership that's been missing in our debates. But he doesn't stop there. Mr. Mercer's website is full of those same bold statements. Take a look at his current issues page. Unlike the ANY of the other candidates (including, sadly, myself), Mr. Mercer takes on the big questions, like "Our Concern of Circumstances."

Now I know what you might be thinking - given my somewhat unorthodox views about African-Americans, why would I choose a black running mate? Well folks, the writing is on the wall. The popularity of Barack Obama simply cannot be overlooked anymore. If America loves a candidate who is only sort of black in a Tiger-Woods-Derek-Jeter-Is-He-Half-Chinese-or-What kind of way, they'll love a candidate who is OBVIOUSLY black. Beyond the color of their skins, Obama and Mercer are two peas in a pod. Black-eyed peas, if you will. For example, on his website, Mr. Mercer notes that
he "will enforce the U.S. Government Religions enforcement regulating its enforcements itself with its regulations pertaining to itself and according to its enforcements." Obama has said the same thing at almost every campaign stop he's made. I'm sure it's on Youtube somewhere.

Folks, they've got Obamamania. We've got Dicky Fever.

Dicky and Mercer. The future is now. I will borrow a quote from Mr. Mercer, who enjoys a much greater perspicacity than I:
Once I am elected to the office of President of the United States of America the thing I am going to do for the people is regulate the office of the President of the United States of America right and not wrong.

You heard it here first.

Public Statement on The Stacie-Clinton Controversy

As many of my campaign supporters know, my daughter was recently photographed in public with the daughter of Hillary Clinton who, as you might be aware, is one of my opponents. A mere few days later, she was seen with Mrs. Clinton herself. It has even been reported that Stacie was guarding Mrs. Clinton's tea, making sure that no one was else could enjoy any of its herbal goodness. I have been asked to make a formal statement about the relationship of my daughter to the Clintons, and the impact it may have on my campaign. It is with a heavy heart that I oblige, but I do hope that my supporters will find strength with me as we march bravely on to victory.

What you must understand about my daughter Stacie is that she is in no way comparable to Chelsea Clinton. I say this for a number of reasons. Chelsea is poised and polished, Stacie looks like her brother in drag when she puts on a dress. Chelsea is a hero to us all and an excellent role model, Stacie spends a lot of time doing local community theater with friends of ill-repute. I suspect some of them may even be - dare I say it - homosexuals. Chelsea can speak very eloquently about many topics, Stacie spends a lot of time saying things that don’t make any sense (I will pose a question to my supporters: What, exactly, does “Whoops, there goes my monkey” mean?). What troubles me about their alleged relationship is not how much better Hillary’s daughter looks when she stands next to mine, but the fact that Stacie has yet to ask me to speak to a crowd of college-aged students.

This has been a serious slap in the face: My daughter, with an entire university of voting-aged people at her disposal, has yet to ask me to speak to them in a coffee-house style forum. Or the forum I prefer, a fraternity basement at about 3 a.m. on a Tuesday. This is yet another reason why Stacie should just shut up and take a page from Chelsea’s book. Chelsea is traveling the country convincing those in their generation to vote for her mother. Stacie is sitting at her desk blogging about what a great experience it was to meet Chelsea, and, to a lesser extent, how awkward it was to have to stand in a small ready-room and listen to Mrs. Clinton pee.

Something is wrong here. My friends, many of you have asked me if it negatively reflects my campaign to have my daughter so publicly snub me. It does not, I tell you. If anything, I believe the people see past this petty trifle and realize that while Hillary Clinton has a better daughter than I do, she does not have a penis. So there it is, my friends: Dicky B is all about the real issues. I will not let this momentary bump in the road deter me from my focus on what really matters in life. And that's the issues. Canada. Ketchup. Most importantly, me winning. We soldier on.